Friday, October 05, 2007, 4:00 pm Good times
In an blink of an eye, school holidays are almost over.
I'm left with just 1 more week.
Have been working and earning money.
BUT, that doesn't mean I can spend it.
Sigh most of it goes to my school fees.
Alright cut the money talk.

1 month, what have I been doing?
I guess you people should know me by now.
Its either work or SLEEP.
Nah just kidding.
But it has been really fun going to work with dear dear.

And, I really miss going to school and meeting up with
vic, lyn and bell. We sure have lots to catch up with.

Some random pics taken this past few weeks:

endless path?

Our promise

my little cousins foot

Our dinner

Dear and me on the bus

The omelete he made for me.

Alright.See ya people. :D
