Thursday, July 26, 2007, 4:19 pm
chocolates :D
I left this blog for quite sometime.Been busy with work, school & Aung Soe Min. ;) So I'm back to update a little. Finally, We are done with BZF. Right up next we are having OFA excel. So my Aunt went to Seoul for a week. Say it was freedom? Nah not entirely. My dad is stricter without her around. But still love him anyways. Hopefully, I get to go Seoul one day. My dearest isn't feeling well. So that explains why I am over at his house NOW! School ended much earlier than expected so being a Hee. Haven't seen his sick look before. * I am just kidding dear. Loves Some recent pictures that we took: :D ![]() at esplanade Hahah taken at pepperlunch@suntec ![]() Sigh. Daniel will be leaving pepperlunch isetan for novena. So many people leaving. Sigh. Sad sad sad. They are planning to have farewell party this coming monday. Supper @ newton, Hopefully I am able to go. TPS project due 31st Jul. Almost done. :D thanks bell,vic & lyn. I am addicted to Chocolate milk. :D Craving for sushi. Labels: life
Sunday, July 15, 2007, 10:29 pm
Requested by my dear to blog.He has been asking me. UPDATE my blog. I always reply "I'm too But that is the fact, I am so lazy to type. Hehe. Nothing much happened. Just another week of school passed, and yet another week to come. I look forward to school because I want to see my dearest friends(vic,bell,lyn,ain etc....) :D With project on hand to complete. But bell has much much more to do. Due: TPS project due by next thursday. 19/7 also on 19/7 Leadership Training Course Busy Busy day on 19/7 To my darling: Thanks for being by me. Sorry if I was bullying you. ;) I promise I will try my best no to do so. Loves. :D (p.s. Also thank you for bringing lunch to me on sat. So sweet of you. I really appreciate you a lot. *hugs) To all my dear friends: I'm sleepy! I am going to take a rest now. Nights. Labels: life
Sunday, July 08, 2007, 9:58 am
Alright, I know i blog very inconsistantly. Hee shall just cut short my long story. SO, I have been working almost everyday for 2 weeks. *I need money! Just yesterday I went to suntec with my dearr. And he got me a wireless network adapter. Like yeah I don't need to use cable anymore when using my lappy. AND AND. Finally, I ate my burger and chicken. I'm so lazy to upload so many many photos. Will do so once I can recall where I left my cable. So I am looking forward to upgrading and getting my new phone soon. As promise by my parents. Seriously, they are such busy people. It can even be delayed for a week. School is starting like tomorrow Nice! I miss them so much. ALRIGHTY, I will blog next time. Till then. ciao |